Denis Cherim’s Photos Capture the Coincidental Charisma of Daily Scenes — Colossal

Light, shadows, and linear perspective are just a few of the tricks up photographer Denis Cherim’s sleeve as he captures surprising, well-timed, and occasionally ironic glimpses of daily life (previously). “I seek answers in places hidden in plain sight,” the Madrid-based artist says in a statement. “I feel curiosity about everyday objects with secret desires to be the main character.”

Often using a digital camera, Cherim captures the way lines converge to create surprising symmetry or sunlight glitters off the sea and appears to emanate from a street lamp. The photos are part of his ongoing series, The Coincidence Project, which he has been developing since 2012.

Denis Cherim’s Photos Capture the Coincidental Charisma of Daily Scenes — Colossal

“Through my project, I have been able to show the outstanding amongst the mundane,” Cherim says. “By playing with the perspective and scale, I create juxtapositions making different parts of the scene interact between each other.”

The artist recently began returning to analog methods after receiving a newly launched Pentax 17 film camera, already shooting more than 50 rolls. You can find more work on his website, and follow updates on Instagram.

a photograph of a brick wall with the end of a gable and some of the wall painted white
a photo of a cloud that looks as though it is nesting in the top of a chainlink fence
a photo of an electrical tower with vines growing up its columns
a black-and-white photo of a dog leaping over a tough, turned at a 45-degree angle to play with perspective
a shadow of a tree on a tall, marble wall

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